Ukrainian bridgehead on Dnipro River eliminated, Russian-appointed governor says

A bridgehead established by Ukrainian troops on the east bank of the Dnipro River has been eliminated following almost a week of heavy fighting in the area, according to the Russian-appointed governor of occupied Kherson on Saturday, APA reports citing CNN.

“Last night, members of the ‘Dnepr’ group of troops finally cleared the territory on the left bank near the Antonovsky bridge. Special forces fighters conducted a surprise attack from the rear, approaching from the river by boat. By 3 a.m., the strongpoint and the hotel, where the Ukrainian fighters were entrenched, had been taken,” Vladimir Saldo said in a Telegram post.

“That’s it, no (Ukrainian) ‘bridgeheads’ on the left bank,” he added.

This comes after Saldo claimed an Iskander missile had struck close to the Antonovsky bridge, which crosses the Dnipro, killing 30 Ukrainian fighters Friday. Saldo added that special forces would begin a final sweep of the area.

CNN cannot independently verify Saldo’s claims.

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency

Türkiye becomes BSEC chairman for six months

Starting July 1, Türkiye became the chairman of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) for six months, according to a Twitter post by the Turkish Foreign Ministry, Trend reports.

“On the 100th anniversary of our republic, we assume the chairmanship of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC). We are ready for an active presidency that will promote peace, stability and prosperity, which today are becoming even more important in the Black Sea region,” the publication said.

The BSEC was established in 1992 with the active support of Türkiye, and the permanent international secretariat of the organization is located in Istanbul.

Source: TREND News Agency

Iran’s continued enrichment activity – cause for concern – Grossi

Iran’s continuing enrichment activities raise concerns, the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Rafael Grossi said, Trend reports.

“Despite Iran’s rapport with the agency limits its activities, allowing us largely monitor capacities, our deal with them for further verification isn’t working to the level and pace I would like to see,” he said.

Referring to the agreement reached with Iran in March, 2023, Grossi said that the IAEA has been able to partially confide in the provisions set forth in the agreement which incentive Iran to continue its enrichment activities.

Despite Grossi’s last visit to Iran three months ago where he had announced the signing of new agreements with the regime, yet, Iran’s stockpile of enriched uranium has increased by more than a quarter.

Although Iran states that its nuclear-related programs serve for peaceful purposes, citing the International Atomic Energy Agency, Iran has increased the amount of highly enriched uranium by 27 percent in the last three months, and currently, the country’s enriched uranium reserves reach up to 4,745 kilograms. This is 15 times more than the amount of uranium allowed for Iran in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

Earlier in June, Iran emphasized that it had reinstalled 10 cameras of the UN nuclear watchdog in one of its installations that were removed last year when the UN watchdog’s board of governors in June 2022 censured Tehran for its lack of cooperation with the agency.

Grossi also welcomed unconfirmed reports that US President Joe Biden’s administration seems to favor an informal and unwritten agreement with Tehran following the collapse of Vienna talks to restore the 2015 JCPOA nuclear deal .

“I am aware of the bilateral contacts between Iran and the US. If there are any alternative agreements, I hope that we will be invited to verify that the commitments made are real and not just a piece of paper,” he added.

Lately, Iran and the US have been indirectly negotiating with the mediation of Oman relating to a number of confidence-building issues, including the exchange of prisoners in the two countries. Moreover, Iran is in ongoing talks with 3 European countries (the UK, France and Germany) pertaining to Iran’s nuclear program.

In the discussions, Iran is mainly trying to achieve the abolition of sanctions imposed by the US and Western countries, the removal of its funds frozen abroad, and the abolition of the restriction on the export of crude oil. In return, the US and Western countries want Iran not to acquire an atomic bomb, to keep its nuclear program under control, and to reduce the level of uranium enrichment

Although Iran claims that its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes, it is required to provide facts and guarantees to prove it at the international level.

On January 2016, JCPOA was launched between Iran and the P5+1 group (US, Russia, China, UK, France, and Germany) in connection with Iran’s nuclear program. In May 2018, the US announced its withdrawal from the deal and imposed sanctions on Iran in November of the same year. To preserve the agreements reached as part of the JCPOA, the European signatories of the deal started in January 2019 that a financial mechanism for maintaining trade with Iran called INSTEX was formed.

On May 8, 2019, Iran announced that it had ceased fulfilling its commitments regarding the sale of over 300 kilograms of uranium, as stated in the deal, basing its decision on the other signatories that have not fulfilled their obligations. On July 7, Iran announced that it will not be fulfilling its commitments regarding the enrichment of uranium at 3.67 percent and the reconstruction of the Arak Heavy Water Reactor Facility as stated in the deal.

Iran announced that it will enrich uranium using next-generation centrifuges and will not mix it with the enriched uranium residues as part of the third step of reducing commitments in JCPOA on Sept.5. On Nov. 5, 2019, Iran announced that it has taken the fourth step in connection with reducing its commitments to the nuclear agreement. So, uranium gas is being pumped to the centrifuges at the Fordow Fuel Enrichment Plant.

On Jan.2020, Iran took the last fifth step in reducing the number of its commitments within JCPOA.

On May 8, 2018, the US announced its withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) between Iran and the 5+1 group (Russia, China, the UK, France, the US, and Germany), and imposed new sanctions against Iran as of November 2018.

Over the past period, the sanctions affected Iranian oil exports, ranging from above 700 banks, companies, to individuals. The sanctions have resulted in the freezing of Iranian assets abroad.

Source: TREND News Agency

Azerbaijan advises its citizens not to visit France amid riots in Paris

Taking into account the riots taking place in France as a result of the brutal killing of an Algerian teenager by the police, the mass violence committed by the police, civil disobedience, the lack of ability to take adequate measures by the authorities, and further exacerbating racist tendencies, the citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan are advised to refrain from visiting the Republic of France unless necessary, and exercise caution by those who are visiting, Trend reports citing the press service of Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan.

“Citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan currently in France are requested to observe safety and security regulations,” said the Ministry.

For consular and other questions, our citizens in France are requested to contact the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in France as following:

Source: TREND News Agency

Azerbaijani kickboxer reaches final of III European Games (PHOTO)

Azerbaijani kickboxer Farid Aghamoghlanov (63.5 kg) has reached the final of the III European Games held in Poland, Trend reports.

In the semi-final, he defeated Norway’s Milton Americo Barrios Galarreta with a score of 3-0.

The final will take place on July 2.

About 7,000 athletes from 48 countries take part in the third European Games, which will last until July 2.

Azerbaijan is represented at the tournament by 86 athletes in 13 sports.

In total, Azerbaijani national team has won nine medals (two gold, one silver, and six bronze) at the III European Games.

The first ever European Games were held in 2015 in Baku and the second in 2019 in Minsk. The Azerbaijani national team took second place at Baku-2015 and 10th at Minsk-2019, winning a total of 84 medals: 26 gold, 25 silver, and 33 bronze.

Source: TREND News Agency

India, Israel work to boost agricultural productivity, crop diversity

India and Israel joined forces in 2006 to establish the Indo-Israel Agricultural Project (IIAP) with the goal of enhancing crop diversity, increasing productivity, and optimizing water usage in India’s agriculture sector. This collaboration is considered Israel’s largest agricultural project in India.

Under the IIAP, Centers of Excellence (CoEs) have been established in various Indian states. These centers serve as platforms for sharing Israel’s expertise and knowledge in agriculture and related technologies, tailored to the specific conditions of each state, including soil, weather, and local crops.

The IIAP involves multiple stakeholders, including MASHAV (Israel’s agency for international development cooperation), the Government of India, and state governments. MASHAV provides non-monetary support, including training for CoE personnel in both India and Israel, research knowledge tailored to local conditions, and the transfer of agricultural technologies.

The CoEs, which currently number 31 in 13 states, play a crucial role in supporting nearby villages known as “Villages of Excellence.” These villages benefit from the technologies demonstrated at the CoEs, empowering local farmers to adopt new and improved farming methods.

The initiative has resulted in significant contributions from Israel to Indian farming techniques. Initially, components such as drip irrigation systems and agricultural technology were imported from Israel, but now many of these components are being locally produced in India.

Source: TREND News Agency