Five digital platforms planned to be introduced in Kyrgyzstan in 2023

It is planned to introduce five digital platforms in Kyrgyzstan with the support of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. EBRD Regional Director for Central Asia Ayten Rustamova announced at the International PLUS-Forum Digital Kyrgyzstan.

According to her, in 2013 the bank conducted an analysis of the situation in Kyrgyzstan. It showed that the republic needs digital projects. Active work has begun. For their implementation, the bank raises grant funds through donors. The more dynamics from the side of the country, the more opportunities to attract money.

«In 2013-2018, we implemented five digital projects. These are an electronic license, electronic ticketing in Bishkek, an electronic public procurement portal (catalog for small and medium-sized enterprises), electronic registration of legal entities, an electronic notary, a digital registry for notaries. This year we are planning five more projects. First of all, efforts will be directed to the sphere of agriculture. This is an important industry for the development of the economy of Kyrgyzstan, but it also needs to be digitalized,» said Ayten Rustemova.

«This year it is planned to launch a marketplace exchange for farmers Digital Window, a GIS platform for farmland in the Chui valley (pilot project), remote identification for the financial / banking sector, electronic notary — the second phase, digital notary actions, re-registration and liquidation of legal entities», she concluded.

Source: News Agency

Peaceful protest of Azerbaijani eco-activists on Lachin-Khankendi road enters 94th day

The peaceful protest of Azerbaijani ecologists and young volunteers on the Lachin-Khankendi road passing through Shusha over the illegal exploitation of mineral deposits, especially the Gizilbulag gold and Damirli copper-molybdenum deposits located in the Azerbaijani territories, where the Russian peacekeeping contingent is temporarily deployed, has been going on for the 94th straight day. They performed the national anthem of Azerbaijan early in the morning. Despite the freezing weather, the protestors continue to chant various slogans in English and Russian calling for an end to ecocide against Azerbaijan, as well as demanding monitoring of Azerbaijan’s mineral deposits in the areas where the Russian peacekeeping contingent has been temporarily deployed. The unimpeded passage of the various types of vehicles, including ambulances and humanitarian convoys are being ensured and the road is open for humanitarian purposes.

Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency

Azerbaijan Security Service arrests foreign citizen on espionage suspicion

During the investigation of the criminal case by the State Security Service of Azerbaijan (SSS), reasonable suspicions were established that foreign citizen Ghaedi Mohammad Najaf, born in 1994, had committed criminal acts of espionage in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, SSS told APA. According to the information, it was revealed on the basis of the numerous collected proofs that Ghaedi Mohammad Najaf, on the instruction of the foreign special service institution, acted in the direction of the organization of data collection and provision of information that is a state secret and to be used to the detriment of the security of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as getting the personal information of the employees of the law-enforcement body of the Republic of Azerbaijan, building personal relationships with them and involving them in the secret cooperation by the special service body of the foreign country. Ghaedi Mohammad Najaf was charged with criminal responsibility under Article 276 (espionage) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the court ordered preventive detention against him.

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency

Islamophobia is a kind of racism – Int’l researcher -PHOTO

A panel discussion was held on the theme ‘Conspiracy Theories About Muslims in Western Cultures: The Great Displacement Theory’ within the framework of an international conference related to Islamophobia in Baku, APA reports. Speaking at the panel discussion at the Islamophobia Monitoring Project, independent international researcher Ineke van der Valk said that islamophobia is a kind of racism. The international researchers said that racism is emphasized in three stages and these are institutional racism, political racism, and racism between individuals.

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency

Azerbaijan has potential to further strengthen SME digitalization, says OECD

Azerbaijan could further strengthen SME digitalization by improving framework conditions, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) told Trend.

“In 2020, building on the regional publication “Beyond COVID-19: Advancing Digital Business Transformation in the Eastern Partner Countries”, the OECD carried out an assessment of Azerbaijan’s support to enterprise digitalization. The report “Promoting Enterprise Digitalization in Azerbaijan” concludes that Azerbaijan made significant progress in improving the business environment for SMEs over the last decade, by reforming the operational and regulatory environment and strengthening the institutional support for SME development through the establishment of the Small and Medium Business Development Agency and the Innovation and Digital Development Agency,” said OECD.

However, the organization believes that a significant gap remains with regards to the digital transformation of SMEs.

“Moving forward Azerbaijan could further strengthen SME digitalization by improving framework conditions (e.g. through the implementation of a well co-ordinated National Digitalization Strategy), and by promoting the adoption of digital tools by SMEs through more targeted financial support and advisory services, leveraging the existing business and innovation support infrastructure,” said the OECD.

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Together with governments, policy makers and citizens, it works on establishing evidence-based international standards and finding solutions to a range of social, economic and environmental challenges. From improving economic performance and creating jobs to fostering strong education and fighting international tax evasion, OECD provide a unique forum and knowledge hub for data and analysis, exchange of experiences, best-practice sharing, and advice on public policies and international standard-setting.

Source: Trend News Agency