Turkish, Ukrainian Ministers of Internal Affairs discuss humanitarian assistance

A telephone conversation has been held between Turkish Minister of Internal Affairs Suleyman Soylu and Ukrainian Minister of Internal Affairs Denys Monastyrsky, according to Ministry of Internal Affairs, APA’s correspondent in Turkiye reports.

It has been noted that the sides have discussed the issue of humanitarian assistance and cooperation activities.

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency

UN chief urges 4-day Easter ‘pause’ in fighting in Ukraine

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called Tuesday for a four-day “humanitarian pause” in fighting in Ukraine, starting Thursday to coincide with Orthodox Christians’ Holy Week observances, APA reports citing Washington Post.

Noting that the Easter season is coming amid an intensifying Russian offensive in eastern Ukraine, the U.N. chief said the need for a “humanitarian pause” is all the more urgent.

“The onslaught and terrible toll on civilians we have seen so far could pale in comparison to the horror that lies ahead. This cannot be allowed to happen,” he told reporters, urging Russians and Ukrainians “to silence the guns and forge a path to safety for so many at immediate risk.”

Guterres said the proposed pause would allow for evacuating civilians from “current or expected areas of confrontation” and getting more humanitarian aid into desperately needy places such as Mariupol, Donetsk, Luhansk and Kherson. More than four million people in those areas need assistance, Guterres said.

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency

Zelensky proposes bill to extend martial law

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky sent on Tuesday a bill to the Verkhovna Rada proposing an extension of martial law until April 25 amid Russia’s ongoing military operation in the country, APA reports citing Teletrader.

The Verkhovna Rada’s website displays the fact the proposal has been made but, at the moment, not its details.

Ukraine imposed martial law on February 24 and extended it for the first time on March 15.

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency

Finland’s president diagnosed with COVID-19

Finnish President Sauli Niinisto has been diagnosed with COVID-19 on Tuesday, said the president’s office in a press release on Tuesday, APA reports citing Xinhua.

The president is doing well and will continue to work remotely, said the release.

Due to the infection, Niinisto’s official visit to Norway on April 21-22 will be rescheduled

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency

Azerbaijan logs 26 new COVID-19 cases

Azerbaijan has confirmed 26 new coronavirus cases, 39 recoveries, and no death cases over the past 24 hours, APA reports.

The overall confirmed cases in Azerbaijan have reached 792391 with 782572 recoveries and 9706 deaths.

Treatment of 113 others is underway. A total of 6776404 coronavirus tests have been conducted in the country so far.

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency