Speaker of Georgian Parliament Shalva Papuashvili, Chair of Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova make a Joint Press Statement

Chairman of the Parliament of Georgia Shalva Papuashvili and Chair of the Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova followed up their meeting with a joint statement made before the mass media people, the Press and Public Relations Department of the Milli Majlis told APA.

The Chair of the Milli Majlis said at the event that that was her first visiting Georgia as leader of parliament. Speaker Sahiba Gafarova expressed satisfaction with the visit and thanked the leader of the Georgian Parliament Shalva Papuashvili for the invitation to his country as well as the hospitality extended to the Azerbaijani delegation.

This visit is no coincidence: Azerbaijan and Georgia are two amicable neighbour countries whose peoples are bonded with the ancient friendship. They have been together for centuries and they have always lived in accord and good neighbourhood, and our bilateral co-operation rests on this solid foundation. The inter-state relations that have graduated to strategic partnership by today continue progressing continuously, according to Sahiba Gafarova.

The leader of the Azerbaijani legislature emphasised then the special place that the inter-parliamentary collaboration occupied in the bipartite connexions and the very high level that collaboration has reached to date.

‘We with the Chairman of the Parliament of Georgia Mr Shalva Papuashvili have reviewed the current condition and the development prospects of the relations between our parliaments. The visits of the chairs of parliament exchanged over the past period have made their special input in the progress of our connexions. The friendship groups active in the parliaments of both countries serve as a certain bridge between the legislative bodies,’ Mrs Gafarova was saying.

The Chair of the Milli Majlis said then that they had also talked over ways to broaden our co-operation further, and exchange of legislative experience between the parliamentary committees of both parties could be regarded as a possible target for joint efforts in this context. The trilateral co-operation format bringing together the international relations committees of the legislatures of Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey is immensely opportune from this point of view as well. The next meeting in this format is due in Baku and Shusha in May.

What else Sahiba Gafarova told the mass media was that she had informed her counterpart of the work done after Azerbaijan had terminated the almost thirty-years-long occupation of the Azerbaijani territories by Armenia. She had told Mr Papuashvili that Azerbaijan was furthering large-scale restoration and building operations in its liberated territories relying on its own capacities only. The whole infrastructure is being constructed anew; new towns and villages are being built. Armenia had destroyed all our towns and villages with intent; our entire history, culture and religion heritage had been subjected to vandalism. So, there is a lot to be done in the lands freed from the invaders yet.

Furthermore, the Chair of the Milli Majlis had broached at the meeting with the Georgian colleague the new realia and the new co-operation opportunities having emerged in the region in the post-conflict period. Materialising those opportunities would serve the cause of peace, stability and security in the region. It was with a view to normalising the relations that Azerbaijan sent Armenia a proposed based on five principles. The discussion at the latest meeting that took place in Brussels on 6 April showed the Armenian side’s positive attitude to that offer. We trust, Sahiba Gafarova stressed, that Armenia will do what it ought to do without losing much time. Speaking of time, it is time to talk about peace, stability and co-operation rather than about war in the region.

Sahiba Gafarova told the media that the visit to the friendly Georgia was a success. Mrs Gafarova emphasised that the conversations during the visit would help move further up and strengthen yet more the ties between Azerbaijan and Georgia.

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency

Hungarian FM: “We will not allow transportation of weapons through our country to Ukraine”

“Hungary is doing everything not to join the Russian-Ukrainian war,” said Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Siyarto at a joint press conference with his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu, APA’s correspondent in Turkiye reports.

The Foreign Minister said that they do not want their cities to come under bombardment as Lviv: “Therefore, we have not and will not allow the transportation of weapons from our territory to Ukraine.”

He noted that despite this, Hungary supports the territorial integrity of Ukraine and continues to provide humanitarian assistance.

Siyarto also said his country did not participate in sanctions against Russia.

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency

Chair of Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova Meets President of Georgia Salome Zurabishvili

Chair of the Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova had a meeting with President of Georgia Salome Zurabishvili as part of the current official visit to that country on 19 April, the Press and Public Relations Department of the Milli Majlis told APA.

President Zurabishvili said she was glad to welcome Speaker Gafarova, noting then that such visits as this mattered for exchange of experience. Mrs Zurabishvili underlined the role of the parliaments in the progress of the bipartite co-operation and said her thanks for the promotion of the close bilateral inter-parliamentary connexions. Georgia and Azerbaijan back each other in the international arena, Mrs Zurabishvili mentioned with satisfaction.

Chair of the Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova voiced her gratitude for the cordial reception the Azerbaijani delegation had been given, to say then that Azerbaijan and Georgia, neighbours and amicable states, had the history of relations that date back over many centuries and that had been propelled to intensive progress when both states had regained their independence. And, incidentally, the thirtieth anniversary of the diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Georgia will be marked this year.

These kindly relations stemming from the foundation laid by the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev are maintained by President Ilham Aliyev successfully now. The two countries have signed documents encompassing various areas over the past years; those documents are the powerful legal platform for our collaboration in all those areas.

Continuing the conversation, Sahiba Gafarova highlit the work done by the Inter-Governmental Commission on Bilateral Economic Co-operation, and mentioned Georgia being an active player in the colossal international projects that Azerbaijan had undertaken.

Turning to the subject of the relations between the Azerbaijani and Georgian legislatures then, Madame Speaker emphasised the role the legislatures played in the progress of the Azerbaijani-Georgian connexions. Our parliaments interact one-to-one as well as multilaterally. Both have the friendship groups, too. Our delegations co-operate fruitfully in the international parliamentary entities.

The Chair of the Milli Majlis also talked about Azerbaijan’s outstanding victory in the 44-day Patriotic War. Azerbaijan had liberated its lands that Armenia had held occupied for almost thirty years, and had made its national territory whole again, Sahiba Gafarova stated. Armenia had plundered our tangible heritage and destroyed our towns and villages in those provinces entirely in the period of occupation. Why, the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict has been consigned to history already whereas Azerbaijan is now busy demining and repairing the liberated territories so that the internally displaced people could move back to their native parts. Azerbaijan has put proposals to Armenia about signing a peace treaty that would ensure sovereignty and territorial integrity recognition, gear into motion the border delimitation and demarcation process, lead to restoration of all the regional communications and result in normalisation of the relations. We hope that a peace treaty being signed between the two states soon enough will come as a weighty contribution to the whole region’s development and flourishing, Sahiba Gafarova remarked.

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency

Volume of oil transported via BTC through Turkiye announced

50 778 thousand barrels of oil were transported via the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline (BTC) through Turkish territory in January-March of this year, which is 2.35% less in annual comparison, Turkiye’s crude oil and natural gas pipelines and trading company BOTAS told APA-Economics.

52 001 thousand barrels of oil were transported via the pipeline through Turkey in January-March of 2021.

Note that oil, produced in the Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli fields of Azerbaijan, is imported via BTC pipeline. Moreover, oil of other producers is also transported to Turkey territory.

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency

IMF raises forecast on Azerbaijani economy

According to the updated forecast of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Azerbaijani economy will grow by 2.8% this year, APA-Economics reports citing the April release of the fund’s World Economic Outlook report.

A 2.6% annual increase is expected in 2023.

Notably, the IMF’s October forecast promised growth of 2.3% for 2022.

As for other forecasts, according to the Ministry of Economy of Azerbaijan, real GDP growth in the country this year will be 3.9%, while according to the Asian Development Bank, GDP will increase by 3.7%. By the latest forecast of the World Bank, real growth will be 2.7%.

Notably, in 2021, the Azerbaijani economy grew by 5.6%.

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency

IMF expects surplus of 37% of GDP in Azerbaijan’s current account

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) expects a surplus of 37.2% of GDP in the current account of Azerbaijan’s balance of payments this year, APA-Economics reports citing the April issue of World Economic Outlook report.

This indicator is expected to shrink up to 28,5% of GDP in 2023.

Note that according to the latest forecasts of the Asian Development Bank, this year, the share of the country’s current account surplus in GDP will increase by up to 20.2%. According to the forecast of the World Bank, this indicator will reach 23% of GDP.

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency