Utah State Legislature commends Azerbaijan’s efforts to promote peace and tolerance

The Utah State Legislature has issued a proclamation commending the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Signed by Stuart Adams, the President of the Utah State Senate, Brad Wilson, the Speaker of the Utah House of Representatives, as well as Senator Gene Davis and Representative Andrew Stoddard, the proclamation was presented to the Consulate General of Azerbaijan in Los Angeles.

Noting that “Azerbaijan was the first secular democratic republic in the Turkic and Muslim region and among the first nation-states granting the right to vote to women,” the proclamation states: “Azerbaijan has a longstanding tradition of peaceful coexistence and interfaith harmony among Muslims, Christians, and Jews. Over the course of the last decade, Azerbaijan has brought together religious leaders from the region and around the world to promote interfaith dialogue”.

The document further emphasizes: “Azerbaijan sees diversity as one of its great strengths and virtues, and it has created an environment that nurtures and promotes the ancient traditions of religious tolerance.”

”Azerbaijan is a robust partner of the United States and Utah, developing numerous mutually beneficial relationships; and Azerbaijan and the United States are strong allies, united in their commitment to freedom, democracy, and human rights.”

The document concludes by proclaiming that “the Utah State Legislature recognises the contributions made by the Republic of Azerbaijan in defending freedom and preserving peace throughout the world, values the benefit of maintaining a beneficial friendship, and honors the great citizens of Azerbaijan”.

Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency

Measures taken in connection with violations of law in small vessels

The State Service for Control over Small-Sized Vessels and Water Rescue of the Ministry of Emergency Situations continues control measures to determine the observance of safety rules by users of small vessels.

In this context, technical and registration documents, supply and rescue equipment, drivers’ licenses of small ship drivers of 15 hanging motorboats were checked during the operative control measures carried out in the part of the Kura River passing through the city of Mingachevir and in the Nohur Lake in Gabala district.

5 ship users violating the relevant requirements of the safe operation rules of small ships were brought to administrative responsibility and protocol was drawn up.

At the same time, ship users were explained the importance of state registration and technical inspection of small vessels in accordance with the law, as well as obtaining driving licenses by ship drivers and awareness-raising talks were held with them.

Source: Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan

MES Southern Regional Center holds complex civil defense exercise

According to the Preparation Plan for 2022, the Southern Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations held complex civil defense exercise on the theme “Organizing management of civil defense bodies and troops when eliminating the consequences of massive emergency situations” in Astara district.

Astara district Civil defense administration, staff and technique of MES Southern Regional Center, military unit “N” of Civil defense troops, Astara Fire Protection Unit of the State Fire Protection Service, also district Emergency Situations Commission and Civil defense headquarters, civil defense services, highly prepared areal and facility civil defense teams, departments, enterprises and organizations were involved in the complex exercise.

The aim of the complex exercise was to fulfil civil defense measures by civil defense governing bodies and emergency situations commissions regarding organization of people and areasprotection in case of emergency situations, instil skills on making timely and proper decisions on management of civil defense forces, as well as organizing and carrying out rescue operations. The exercise focused on improving management skills of commander-head staff and professionalism of civil defense units, coordinating mutual activity between forces of Ministry of Emergency Situations and non-militarized civil defense troops, strictly observing safety rules during the rescue and other urgent operations.

During the exercise, the district’s civil defense forces conducted general and special intelligence, protected the area, restricted access to the area, extinguished the fire, neutralized and prevented the spread of highly toxic substances, carried out search and rescue operations at the site of the explosion, provided first aid to the victims, eliminated the consequences of accidents in the utility and energy systems, implemented protection against epidemics and epizootics, evacuated people to safe areas and resettled them in a tent camp to restore their livelihoods in the area where the simulated emergency occurred.

311 employees and 48 units of equipment were deployed for the complex exercise. Mutual activity of forces of Ministry of Emergency Situations, district civil defense teams and services was organized and the goal was achieved during the exercise.

Source: Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Defense Ministry: Positions of Azerbaijan Army on the state border were subjected to fire

Starting from the evening of May 31 to the night of June 1, the Armenian armed forces units from the positions in the direction of Musurskand settlement of Tovuzgala region and Yukhari Shorzha settlement of Basarkechar region of the state border using small arms subjected to fire the positions of the Azerbaijan Army in the direction of Aghdam settlement of Tovuz district and Zaylik settlement of Kalbajar district, Azerbaijan’s Defense Ministry told AZERTAC.

“The Azerbaijan Army units took adequate retaliatory measures,” the ministry noted.

Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency

Serbia’s Vucic sworn in for 2nd presidential term

Aleksandar Vucic was sworn in on Tuesday at the National Assembly for his second term as president of Serbia, according to Xinhua.

Following his victory in the April 3 presidential elections, where he won 58.59 percent of the votes cast, Vucic took the oath of office in front of Serbia’s lawmakers, ministers, former presidents and diplomats. He said his priorities will include maintaining peace and stability in the region, and that he will work to keep the Balkan country on its European Union (EU) membership path.

Stressing the importance of his country’s trade and investments ties with the European Union (EU), he said that Serbia wishes to become “a society of a European type,” and pledged further reforms to that end.

He confirmed that the new government, led by his Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), will be formed by the end of July.

Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency

The Sumgayit Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations held an exemplary civil defense exercise on warning and gathering with the Sumgayit non-militarized areal civil defense teams.

The relevant structural units of the MES Sumgayit Regional Center, Civil Defense Headquarters of the Sumgayit Executive Authority and the Emergency Situations Commission, staff of the areal civil defense forces were involved in the event on the theme “Activities of non-militarized areal civil defense teams on warning gathering alarm in case of emergencies”.

The exercise aimed at checking the level of quick readiness of the areal civil defense forces to respond to emergencies and coordinating joint activities in crisis situations, improving the management knowledge and skills of the command staff and instilling practical skills on warning gathering in the staff.

During the exercise, activities on warning non-militarized areal civil defense teams on the emergency situations, marching to the gathering point, organizing assembly and management were checked, as well as reports on functional tasks were heard.

In the end, the exercise was analyzed, shortcomings were noted and relevant instructions were given.

Source: Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan