President Zelensky: Power of democratic world is well felt on battlefield in Ukraine

“The power of the democratic world – the international partners who supply modern and effective weapons to Ukraine – is well felt on the country’s battlefield these weeks,” said Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in a video address, APA reports citing Ukrinform.

“The implementation of the Initiative on exporting Ukrainian grain and other agricultural products from our ports in the Black Sea began today. The first vessel carrying 26,000 tons of corn left the port of Odesa.

As of now, it is too early to draw any conclusions and predict further events. But the port started working, the export traffic started, and this can be called the first positive signal that there was a chance to stop the spread of the food crisis in the world.

Currently, everything depends on the implementation of the security parameters of the Initiative, which is the responsibility of the partners, primarily the United Nations and Turkey.

We cannot have the illusions that Russia will simply refrain from trying to disrupt Ukrainian exports. Russia consistently provoked famine in the countries of Africa and Asia, which traditionally imported large volumes of Ukrainian food. And now – in conditions of extreme heat, as this year in Europe, the threat of a price crisis and a certain food shortage is also possible for some European countries.

So, we’ll see how the agreements will work and whether there will really be security. 16 vessels are already waiting their turn for departure, and we are ready to make a proper contribution to stabilizing the world food market.

For our state, this is also of great benefit – and this is not only about billions of dollars in foreign exchange revenue. About half a million Ukrainians are involved in the cultivation of agricultural export crops, and if we add related industries, then this is plus a million jobs. That is why there is the appropriate state attention to the implementation of the export Initiative. Our people really need it.

Today I spoke with President of France Emmanuel Macron, in particular, about the restoration of our agricultural exports by sea. In general, the negotiations lasted one and a half hours and were very meaningful: relations in the defense sphere, first of all. A wide range of security issues – thank you for the assistance already given to Ukraine, which effectively protects us on the battlefield.

We also discussed macro-financial support for our state – I asked Mr. President to help us unblock macro-financial aid, which has stalled in Europe. I want to remind all the leaders that it is 9 billion euros. These are not trifles for us, but important social things – these are our pensions, these are our salaries, and support for IDPs, and therefore we expect appropriate decisions from specific government officials.

Mr. President of France informed me about the results of his African tour – we are now strengthening this direction of our foreign policy. I invited President Macron to participate in the online summit of the Crimea Platform, which will take place shortly.

Last year, we created the Crimea Platform and are developing this format – despite all the threats and tangible diplomatic opposition from Russia.

During the years of occupation, Russia turned Crimea into a large military prison camp – and tens of thousands of people became its victims. Crimea became a bridgehead for attacks on the free territory of our country… The weak and insufficiently principled reaction to the occupation of Crimea in 2014 and in the following years became one of the prerequisites for the fact that Russian aggression managed to grow to such a scale. We will gradually restore justice regarding our Crimea.

The situation on the battlefield has not undergone significant changes over the past day. Fierce battles continue in Donbas, in the Kharkiv region, the struggle for the south of our country continues…

Ukrainian artillery and intelligence have already done a lot to reduce the fire potential of the occupiers – and it is tangible. Today I want to thank all our warriors who destroy Russian logistics, who destroy the occupiers’ ammunition, and who do not leave the occupiers a single safe place on our land.

And I also want to thank our partners now – everyone who supplies Ukraine with modern and effective artillery and MLRS. The power of the democratic world is well felt on the battlefield in Ukraine these weeks.

And today, another conversation took place in the format Ukraine – United States – three on three – Andriy Yermak and Jacob Sullivan, Dmytro Kuleba and Antony Blinken, Valerii Zaluzhny and Mark Milley. This is our continuous format, which has already allowed us to make a fundamental contribution to the protection of the entire free world. We’ve coordinated the next steps in support of Ukraine.”

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency

Azerbaijan, Türkiye, Uzbekistan agree to actively use Baku-Tbilisi-Akhalkalaki-Kars railway

BAKU, Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan, Türkiye, and Uzbekistan agreed to actively use the Baku–Tbilisi–Akhalkalaki–Kars railway (BTAK), Acting Foreign Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Vladimir Norov said at a press conference following the first meeting of the Azerbaijani, Uzbek, and Turkish Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Economy and Transport in Tashkent on August 2, Trend reports.

According to him, the three countries are ready to make joint efforts for reaching the full potential of cooperation in the fields of economy, trade, investment, transport, including all types of transport and transit communication.

“The delegations decided to deepen practical cooperation on industrial collaboration, digital economy, and trade,” Norov stated. “In this regard, the countries eye making active use of all the possibilities of the Baku–Tbilisi–Akhalkalaki–Kars railway, Turkish and Azerbaijani international ports, as well as the North-South and East-West transport corridors.

“Meanwhile, the sides emphasize the importance of Uzbekistan’s initiative to build a Termez–Mazar-i-Sharif–Kabul–Peshawar strategic railway line and express support for the construction of the Uzbekistan–Kyrgyzstan–China railway,” the official said.

Source: TREND News Agency

ASCO transports 1.6 million tons of cargo with its tankers in January-June

Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company CJSC (ASCO) announced cargo transportation indicators for the first six months of 2022.

During this period ASCO transported 1.6 million tons of cargo with its tankers.

The number of wagons transported by ferries and Ro-Pax vessels was 18,428 units, and the number of vehicles – 17,618 units.

Multipurpose dry cargo vessels of ASCO transported 564,000 tons of cargo over the past six months.

Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency

Trade between Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan up multifold – FM

BAKU, Azerbaijan, Trade between Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan has increased almost sevenfold in the past five years alone, and with Türkiye – two and a half times, Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan Vladimir Norov said, Trend reports.

Norov made the statement at the first session of the “Uzbekistan – Azerbaijan – Türkiye” Dialogue Format.

He noted that this positive trend will certainly continue this year.

“However, the achieved high dynamics of economic cooperation with Azerbaijan and Türkiye still does not fully meet the existing potential for interaction. Today, there are all conditions for a fuller use of existing reserves in a mutually beneficial partnership,” he said.

Source: TREND News Agency

Azercell launches large-scale project on the expansion and modernization of its network

Considering the fast-growing needs of its subscribers, Azercell has launched a large-scale project to expand the coverage and increase the capacity of 4G (LTE) network across the country.

Within the course of the next 18 months the company will deploy more than 300 new base stations and upgrade about 1600 existing base stations throughout Azerbaijan. Thus, the total number of LTE stations of the country’s leading mobile operator will reach above 3,200.

As a result of the project, the capacity of Azercell’s 4G network will increase by 80% in Baku and the Absheron Peninsula, and by 75% in other regions across the country. This will enhance the customers’ internet experience, ensuring higher data transfer rates and improved quality of services provided. Additionally, this will increase quick access to multimedia services such as social networks, multiplayer games, interactive online applications, video conferencing, video calls and many other digital solutions.

Azercell’s network expansion and modernization project covers the liberated territories as well.

The company managed to build the very first mobile infrastructure on these territories, and its network covers Shusha, Aghdam, Fuzuli, Jabrayil, Zangilan, Gubadli and Kalbajar regions, the settlements of Istisu, Hadrut, Sugovushan, as well as many villages of Khojavand, Lachin and other districts. Azercell has already installed more than 80 base stations in the mentioned regions and continues to work in this direction.

It should also be noted that last year the operator made 4G high-speed mobile Internet (LTE) available in all stations and tunnels of the Baku Metro.

Azercell will continue to invest in expansion and modernization of its infrastructure. This will allow the company to provide necessary platforms for the introduction of next-generation technologies in the Azerbaijani market. At the same time, Azercell is actively developing products and digital solutions in line with the latest trends in the telecommunications industry.

Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency

Azerbaijan releases data on mortgage loans

BAKU, Azerbaijan, Mortgage loans worth 2.22 billion manat ($1.3 billion) were issued to 39,778 borrowers through Azerbaijan Mortgage and Credit Guarantee Fund, as of August 2, Trend reports via the fund.

As part of the mechanism for renting apartments with the right to buy out, 1,847 citizens have improved their living conditions.

The amount of guarantees and subsidies provided by the fund for business projects amounted to 312.4 million manat ($183 million).

Source: TREND News Agency