Kyrgyz President makes phone call to Azerbaijani President

President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sadyr Japarov made a phone call to President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, APA reports.


Sadyr Japarov congratulated President Ilham Aliyev on his birthday, and wished him success in his activities for the development of Azerbaijan and robust health.


President Ilham Aliyev thanked the President of Kyrgyzstan for the attention and congratulations.


During the phone conversation, the sides hailed the successful development of friendly and brotherly relations in 2022, and emphasized the contribution of the official visit of the President of Kyrgyzstan to Azerbaijan and the state visit of the President of Azerbaijan to Kyrgyzstan this year to the expansion of the bilateral relations. President Ilham Aliyev once again expressed his gratitude to President Sadyr Japarov for the high hospitality shown to him during the state visit and sincere friendship.


During the conversation, the sides exchanged views on the prospects for cooperation.


Source: Azeri-Press News Agency

Azerbaijan logs 72 fresh coronavirus cases, 4 deaths over the past day

Azerbaijan has confirmed 72 new coronavirus cases, 104 recoveries, and 4 death case over the past 24 hours, APA reports.


The overall confirmed cases in Azerbaijan have reached 825 893 with 815 323 recoveries and 10 006 deaths.


Treatment of 564 others is underway. A total of 7 418 494 coronavirus tests have been conducted in the country so far.


Source: Azeri-Press News Agency

Azerbaijani President: Two weeks after Heydar Aliyev had been removed from all positions, Armenian nationalists raised their heads

“In the late 1980s, the Soviet government committed another crime against our people. This time, both Armenian nationalists and their patrons in the Soviet government took advantage of the resignation of Great Leader Heydar Aliyev and immediately sprang into action. Two weeks after Heydar Aliyev had been removed from all positions in November 1987, Armenian nationalists raised their heads,” said President Ilham Aliyev in a meeting with a group of intellectuals from Western Azerbaijan, APA reports.


“The Soviet government supported them and another crime was orchestrated against our people both in Karabakh and in the former Republic of Armenia. Azerbaijanis were deported from their historical lands in Western Azerbaijan. We all know and remember that history well. We also know the number of places where Azerbaijanis lived – more than 170 villages were populated only by Azerbaijanis. I am talking about Armenia, the Republic of Armenia. The Azerbaijanis accounted for the majority of about 90 villages. In general, Azerbaijanis lived in more than 300 towns and villages. All of them were forced out of Armenia over the course of three years.”


“They were expelled, many of them were killed and tortured. All these crimes were taking place with the connivance of the Soviet government. Our last village, Nuvedi, was subjected to deportation in August 1991. As if that wasn’t enough, a crime was committed against our people in Karabakh too,” the President of Azerbaijan added.


Source: Azeri-Press News Agency