Azerbaijani President: I am sure that Turkiye will come out of this bitter test with honor

“I am sure that Turkiye will come out of this bitter test with honor and cope with it. But this is an incredibly immense tragedy. Every life saved seems to save the world for us,” said President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev as he had a conversation with Turkish Ambassador to Azerbaijan Cahit Bagci.


“Again, rescuers from Turkiye, Azerbaijan and other countries are doing a great job. Of course, the main burden, the moral burden here falls on the Turkish government. My brother, the honorable President, immediately gave all the instructions and sent all the ministers to the disaster zones, and I am sure that the strong and powerful Turkish state will overcome this difficulty and continue its efforts in conducting search and rescue operations,” the head of state noted.


Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency

Defense Ministry: Next graduation ceremony of Warrant officers training course for officer positions held

In accordance with the training plan of the Land Forces, the next graduation ceremony of the Warrant officers training course for officer positions was held, Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Defense told AZERTAC.


First, the memory of national leader of the Azerbaijani people Heydar Aliyev, and martyrs, who sacrificed their lives for territorial integrity of the Motherland, was honored with observing a minute of silence. The national anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan accompanied by a military orchestra was performed.


Deputy Defense Minister – Commander of the Land Forces, Lieutenant General Anvar Afandiyev addressed the young officers, congratulated the graduates on successful completing the course, and wished success in their future service.


The Commander of the Land Forces spoke about the Victory gained in the Patriotic War under the command of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Ilham Aliyev, as well as about the country’s successes in military operations conducted in the post-war years in order to prevent enemy provocations. The Deputy Defense Minister urged graduates to faithfully serve the Motherland, provide combat and moral and psychological training of personnel.


The speakers at the event expressed gratitude to President Ilham Aliyev and the leadership of the Defense Ministry for the attention and care, as well as promised to justify the trust during the military service.


Then an emblem was attached to the symbolic stump, and servicemen were presented with certificates. The heads of the exercise and graduates, who distinguished themselves in the organization of the course, were awarded valuable gifts.


Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency

President Ilham Aliyev: Türkiye and Azerbaijan are already one fist, one heart and one soul

“We are ready to join the restoration work. That is, Türkiye and Azerbaijan are already one fist, one heart and one soul. We see it this way, the citizens of Türkiye and Azerbaijan also see it this way. It is a great honor for us to be with Türkiye in these difficult days,” said President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev as he had a conversation with Turkish Ambassador Cahit Bagci.


“Let me say again that we hope this doesn’t happen again. May Allah rest the souls of all those who perished in peace, grant patience to their relatives. Natural disasters do happen and no one is immune to them. But the prompt and agile steps taken by the Turkish state once again showed that the human factor is the main issue for the Turkish government. At the same time, this difficult ordeal will once again show the strength of Türkiye to the whole world,” the head of state emphasized.


“This will not shake our fraternal people and will not affect the will of the Turkish state. The Turkish state is a strong state and it is showing its strength in the fight against this disaster,” the President of Azerbaijan added.


Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency

Turkish ambassador: Hearts in Azerbaijan are beating in an effort to ease our pain

“We know that brotherly Azerbaijan has mobilized all its resources on your orders since the first minute. Not only the Ministry of Emergency Situations, but also all the institutions, the entire societies and people have been mobilized. Your people’s hearts are beating in an effort to ease our pain. We are witnessing that, we are seeing that,” said Ambassador of the Republic of Türkiye to Azerbaijan Cahit Bagci as he had a conversation with President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.


The ambassador said: “There was a truly powerful earthquake. For the first time in the history of Türkiye, a non-local earthquake has caused us so much suffering. It has affected more than 10 cities, more than 10 million people, and our losses are increasing every day. May Allah grant patience to our nation and not make us suffer such great pain again, Inshallah.”


Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency

Balkan Athletics Winter Championship in Istanbul cancelled due to earthquake

The Balkan Athletics Winter Championship, which was planned to be held in Istanbul, Turkiye on February 11, has been cancelled due to the deadly earthquake that occurred in Turkiye on February 6.


Earlier, the 10th Turkish Open Taekwondo Tournament – Kyorugi, scheduled for February 10-14, was also postponed. Due to this, the Azerbaijan national team will return home shortly.


Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency