Lavrov commented on Azerbaijan’s initiation of the interstate arbitration process against Armenia

“Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov called Baku’s submission Yerevan to the arbitration court regarding the compensation of damages due to the use of energy resources of Karabakh as a matter between Azerbaijan and Armenia,” said Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov at the joint press conference with his Azerbaijani counterpart Jeyhun Bayramov, APA’s Moscow correspondent reports.


“Russia’s position is that this is a bilateral issue between Azerbaijan and Armenia. The path that includes the court procedure has been chosen. We are waiting,” said the Russian Foreign Minister.


Source: Azeri-Press News Agency

Legitimacy EU mission in Armenia is under suspicion

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that the European Union mission in Armenia creates serious doubts from the legitimacy point of view, Russian FM noted about this at the joint press conference with his Azerbaijani counterpart Jeyhun Bayramov, APA’s Moscow correspondent reports.


“We can not comment the details, announcement voiced from Brussels. We see how the European Union is abused by Armenia and Azerbaijan. As well as European Union mission in Armenia creates serious doubts from the legitimacy point of view. In particular, its function, mandate, its term, a lot of questions that the mission will add value to the normalization of Armenian-Azerbaijani relations. However, wheteher to cooperate with whoever or not is the sovereign right of the parties. We also stressed the talks with President Ilham Aliyev in today’s negotiations and yesterday that we are guided by the principle of “help”, which is a major principle in all our activities,” noted Russian FM.


Source: Azeri-Press News Agency

Lavrov: 3+3 format is in our attention

“3+3 format (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Iran, Russia, Turkiye) is in our attention,” said Russian FM Sergei Lavrov at the opening of the conference “Russian-Azerbaijani relations in the 21st century: strategic partnership in the context of regional security” within the framework of the 3rd meeting of the Russian-Azerbaijani Expert Council held in Baku, APA reports.


“So far, there has been only one meeting in 3+3 format. Georgia rejected to attend, however, we always open the doors open for Georgia,” added Lavrov.


Source: Azeri-Press News Agency

Azerbaijani FM calls on Armenia to resume talks

Armenia still refuses to meet, said Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov at a joint press conference with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov, APA reports.


“We are focused on the real result. Currently, we continue with online talks and the documents on the draft Peace Agreement are sent to the other party”.


The Minister stressed that the Armenian side does not focus on constructive peace talks.


“The sooner the Armenian side abandons this position and returns to the negotiating table, the more useful it will be for the process,” he stressed.


Source: Azeri-Press News Agency

Ukrainian parliamentarians visit Alley of Honor and Alley of Martyrs

Members of the Azerbaijan-Ukraine Inter-Parliamentary Friendship Group of the Verkhovna Rada visited the Alley of Honor and the Alley of Martyrs, APA reports.


The delegation visited the Alley of Honor and laid a wreath at the tomb of the national leader, founder, and architect of the modern Azerbaijani state Heydar Aliyev.


They also visited the Alley of Martyrs, commemorated the heroic children of the Motherland, who died in the struggle for the freedom and sovereignty of Azerbaijan, and laid a wreath in front of their graves. The delegation visited the “Eternal Torch” monument.


Source: Azeri-Press News Agency

FM: Armenia wanted to shift all responsibility on Azerbaijan and Russia

“Armenia violated the humanitarian status of Lachin road determined by the trilateral statement,” said Azerbaijani FM Jeyhun Bayramov at the joint press conference with Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov, APA reports.


According to him, for two years, the Azerbaijani side repeatedly warned both via closed channels and openly about the misuse of this corridor: “Unfortunately, this did not help and the situation led to protests. The Armenian side, refusing to fix their position regarding the issue, stated at the level of the Prime minister that they did not have anything to do about this issue. So, Armenia wanted to shift all the responsibility on Azerbaijan and Russia.”


Source: Azeri-Press News Agency