Aliyev: Azerbaijan already has a sufficiently diversified geography of gas supplies

Azerbaijan plans to expand the capacity of gas pipelines due to the growing demand for gas in Europe, President Ilham Aliyev said. “Due to the growing demand in Europe for natural gas from new sources, we plan to expand the capacity of our pipelines. It is planned to expand the capacity of TANAP from 16 billion to 32 bcm, the capacity of TAP from 10 billion to 20 bcm,” Aliyev said at a meeting with the heads of leading German companies in Berlin on March 13. The President noted that after the start of the Russian-Ukrainian war, Azerbaijan received requests from more than 10 European countries for gas supplies or to increase existing volumes of supplies. “We are doing everything to meet the needs of our partners. We already have a fairly diversified geography of gas supplies,” the head of state stressed. According to him, less than a year ago, the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, called Azerbaijan a reliable partner of Europe in the energy sector. “It is a great honor to receive such an assessment of our achievements. (…) we supply oil, petroleum products and petrochemical products to many European countries,” the Azerbaijani President added
Source: Turan News Agency