Arab media outlets publish articles on mass grave found in Edilli village of Azerbaijan’s Khojavand district

The Arabic media outlets, including Egyptian, Jordanian, Iraqi and UAE’s “Al Ghad”, “Al Anbat”, “Annahar”, “Elaph” and other newspapers and portals have published articles highlighting another mass grave of Azerbaijanis killed and buried by Armenian servicemen during the first Karabakh war that was found in the village of Edilli in Khojavand district.


The reports also featured the Twitter post by Assistant to Azerbaijani President, Head of Foreign Policy Affairs Department of the Presidential Administration Hikmat Hajiyev regarding the mass grave, as the diplomat described the Edilli village as a concentration camp for Azerbaijani hostages by Armenia.


The reports emphasized that almost 4000 citizens of Azerbaijan, both civilians and military, still remain missing, with Armenians refusing to provide the mass grave locations.


The articles mentioned that the remains of 12 people were found, most of them had their legs and arms tied with wire and rope.


The reports also said that Egyptian and Algerian media representatives were among the journalists, who videotaped the first mass grave found in the village of Edilli in February of the current year.


Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency

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