Armenian mass media: The number of Armenians who wants to leave Armenia sharply increases

The press conference held by Armenian Prime minister Nikol Pashinyan on December 24 and his notes caused serious concern and despair among Armenians living in Karabakh, according to the Armenian newspaper Hrparak, APA reports.

The newspaper notes that after views voiced by N. Pashinyan at the online conference, Armenians living in Karabakh worry that Armenia will refuse them, and think that Nikol Pashinyan is paving the way for giving up the negotiations process for Karabakh.

“We were informed from Karabakh that after the press conference of Nikol Pashinyan, the number of people who wants to emigrate has sharply increased, even those who said that they would never leave Karabakh, now think about leaving. Even if they stay there, they want to withdraw their families from Karabakh. It is said that Pashinyan decided to surrender Karabakh for good and all, in that case, it is unknown how the fate of Armenians staying in Karabakh will be, at least we will take our children out to save them,” writes the publication.

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency