Armenians are doing things in Lachin that humanity would be ashamed of – Cavusoglu

“Azerbaijan built a new road parallel to the existing Lachin corridor within a short period of time, and the peacekeepers will also be on this road. Because the other road passes through the city of Lachin,” said Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu in his interview with Haber Global, APA reports.

The minister also reacted to the destruction caused by the Armenians while leaving the city of Lachin, Sus, and Zabukh villages. The minister called it a shame for humanity.

“Armenians are setting fire to these places, and just like they did in the First Karabakh war, they are doing things that humanity would be ashamed of. Armenia should take a lesson. Everyone sees our sincerity in the field of achieving normalization with Armenia. We want peace. It is important Azerbaijan to restore full control in its lands. Azerbaijan wants to restore, and develop these lands, says to Armenians living in these lands, “come, you will use all of your rights”. Azerbaijan offers a comprehensive peace agreement. What else should Azerbaijan do? Azerbaijan’s only problem was liberating its lands and after liberation, its only intention is sustainable peace.”

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency