Azerbaijan Joins 20 Nations as Observers in Pakistan Military Exercises

ISLAMABAD: Azerbaijani military personnel are participating as observers in a series of international military exercises currently being conducted in Pakistan. The exercises, organized by the Pakistan Air Force, have drawn participants and observers from a wide array of countries, highlighting the event’s global significance.

According to Azeri-Press news agency, Pakistan is hosting two major exercises concurrently. The first exercise is being held in collaboration with China, while the second involves joint efforts with Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt. These exercises are designed to enhance military cooperation and interoperability among participating nations.

In addition to the primary participants, 20 countries are observing the exercises, underscoring the event’s international dimension. These observer nations include Azerbaijan, Germany, Bangladesh, Iraq, Iran, and the Republic of South Africa. The presence of Azerbaijani servicemen as observers indicates Azerbaijan’s interest in engaging with interna
tional military exercises and fostering strategic partnerships.

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