Azerbaijan Outlines Key Strategies for State Policy in Mine Action

BAKU: The Azerbaijani Parliament has outlined major directions for the state policy on mine action, focusing on safety, regulatory frameworks, and support measures. The draft law ‘On Demining’ was discussed and adopted in its first reading, setting the stage for comprehensive mine action efforts aimed at eliminating explosive threats and fostering development.

According to Trend News Agency, the draft law details several key components of the state’s mine action policy. These include eliminating the threat posed by explosive ordnance to ensure the safety of the population and support economic, social, and environmental development. It also aims to establish a regulatory legal framework for the safe and effective organization of demining activities.

The policy emphasizes the public’s right to receive information about life-threatening dangers in hazardous areas and aims to provide legal support measures for victims and guarantees for the safety of demining personnel. Following discussions in Parliament, the
amendment was put to a vote and successfully adopted in the first reading.

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