Azerbaijani and Turkish Defense Ministries Explore Enhanced Military Cooperation at Baku Expo

BAKU—On September 24, high-level defense talks between Azerbaijan and Turkey marked a significant push towards bolstering military collaboration, coinciding with the 5th Anniversary Azerbaijan International Defense Exhibition (ADEX) at the Baku Expo Center. The discussions, which brought together top military officials from both nations, focused on advancing military-technical projects, enhancing regional security, and expanding joint production capabilities through technological innovations.

According to Azeri-Press News Agency, the meeting was attended by key defense leaders including Azerbaijan’s Minister of Defense, Colonel General Zakir Hasanov, and Turkey’s Minister of National Defense, Mr. Yasar Guler. The discussions underscored the robust foundation of Azerbaijani-Turkish relations—characterized by friendship, strategic alliance, and mutual satisfaction with the current state of military cooperation across various domains including military-technical, educational, and medical spheres.

The meetings highlighted a mutual desire to further enhance the defense capabilities of both countries through joint military-technical projects. Several high-ranking officials participated, including the First Deputy Minister of Defense of Azerbaijan and Chief of the General Staff of the Azerbaijan Army, Colonel General Karim Valiyev, among others. Also present was Mr. Cahit Bagci, the Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to Azerbaijan.

Further discussions took place between Colonel General Hasanov and a delegation led by the President of the Secretariat of Defense Industries under the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey, Mr. Haluk Gorgun. These discussions, which also included leaders from prominent Turkish military industries, culminated in the signing of several contracts aimed at expanding joint military-technical cooperation.

The assembly praised the ongoing 5th Anniversary Azerbaijan International Defense Exhibition ADEX, recognizing it as a significant platform for facilitating these important dialogues and agreements.

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