Azerbaijani defense minister meets with Chief of Staff of NATO Allied Land Command

Azerbaijan`s Minister of Defense Zakir Hasanov has met with a delegation led by Chief of Staff of NATO Allied Land Command (Izmir/Turkey) Major General Metin Tokel who is on a visit to the country.

Minister Zakir Hasanov highlighted the successful development of Azerbaijan-NATO relations, the activities of the Azerbaijan Army in various programs, and the contribution made by the country`s servicemen to the NATO-led Resolute Support Mission in Afghanistan.

Noting that the main goal of Azerbaijan-NATO cooperation carried out in various fields is to eliminate instability, conflicts, and threats in the Euro-Atlantic area, as well as in the establishment of indivisible security system on a worldwide scale, the minister of defense stressed that this cooperation will continue.

Major General Metin Tokel particularly noted that Alliance considers Azerbaijan as a reliable partner. He appreciated Azerbaijan’s participation in the fight against terrorism, the significant contribution to providing cargo transportation for peacekeeping operations, including the high level of professionalism of Azerbaijani peacekeepers in Afghanistan.


Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency

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