Azerbaijani FM: Azerbaijan is determined to advance the peace process

Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov noted that despite the lack of successes achieved üithin the framework of the negotiation process in the post-conflict period, rich in opportunities for the establishment of peace and security in the region, Azerbaijan is determined to advance the peace process, as well expects the same approach from the opposite side,” said Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov while delivering a speech at the 4th Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Council of Europe, APA reports.

In addition, Azerbaijan’s implementation of restoration and construction works in the areas, liberated from the occupation, in order to ensure the return of its citizens, who were deprived of their fundamental rights as a result of the conflict, to their homes, as well as Azerbaijan’s intention in the direction of integration of Azerbaijani citizens of Armenian origin into the society was mentioned.

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Source: Azeri-Press News Agency