Azerbaijani MFA: Armenian army has continued its provocations in the direction of Kalbajar

As Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Defence informed, recently, the Armenian Armed forces has continued its provocations tensing situation in the direction of Kalbajar region of Azerbaijani-Armenian state border, Ministry of Foreign Affairs told APA.

As a result of the next provocation in the direction of the Kalbajar region of the state border on December 8, 2021, Azerbaijani military serviceman Asif Aliyev martyred.

On December 9-10, Armenian military units intensively fired the positions of Azerbaijani army in Kalbajar region from their combat positions located in Basarkechar region. As a result of the response measures of the Azerbaijani Army, the provocations of the opposite side were prevented.

In the time when Azerbaijan takes relevant steps in the direction of normalization of relations after conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia, especially on the eve of the Moscow meeting of consultations mechanisms in 3+3 format, the continuation of the provocative activities of the Armenian side demonstrate the aggressive position of this country and undermines the efforts to build regional peace.

The Armenian military-political leadership is directly responsible for the tension on the border between the two countries and the bloody crime committed in the direction of Kalbajar region.

Armenian MFA’s accusation of Azerbaijan of violating the sovereign territories of this country is completely unfounded. Namely, in order to prevent such fake accusations, Azerbaijan supports the start of negotiations on the delimitation of the border between the two countries in a very short time.

If Armenia really wants peace and stability in the region, then it should take real steps in the direction of normalization of relations and should put an end to imitations.

We call on the Armenian side to refrain from attempts to obstruct the peace process by creating deliberate tensions in the region and to fully implement the trilateral statements in accordance with its commitments,” it has been noted.

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency