Azerbaijani Ombudsman: “Armenia should abdicate from the hatred policy against Azerbaijanis”

The hatred policy against Azerbaijanis in Armenia for long years has a negative impact on the psychology of members of society as a whole, as well as children. Thus, especially, such steps of Armenian military-political leadership on involving Armenian children in the military operations through forming a sense of Azerbaijanphobia in them is absolutely unacceptable”, the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan Sabina Aliyeva delivered a speech with this statement, APA reports.

S. Aliyeva noted that the UN Convention on the “Rights of the child” and the Geneva Convention for the “Protection of civilians during the war” prohibit the involvement of children under the age of 15 in war and consider it a war crime: Unfortunately, Armenia’s political and military leadership not complying with its obligations under international conventions ignores these norms. More detailed information regarding such kinds of facts will be in our next report. This situation strictly disturbs me as a commissioner for Human Rights. I consider that the Armenian Government should fulfill its international commitments and abdicate from the hatred policy against Azerbaijanis”.

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency