Azerbaijani President: “People of Azerbaijan stood behind the Azerbaijani Army and gave it additional strength”

“During the war, we all lived by one motto – we will go forward in the face of death”, said President Ilham Aliyev in his address to the nation regarding September 27 – Remembrance Day”, APA reports.

“The death of innocent people, the destruction of our cities and villages did not break the resolve of the Azerbaijani people. We were moving forward every day, we were winning every day, we were receiving information about new successes every day. There was not a single day in the 44 days on which we would take a step back. Meanwhile, the contemptible enemy was forced to retreat even though they had a favorable position, the natural terrain of the area was a great advantage to them and they had built five to six lines of defensive fortifications in 30 years. During the 44-day war, not a single soldier deserted from the Azerbaijani Armed Forces. However, there were more than 10,000 deserters in the Armenian army. We are proud of our martyrs and wounded veterans, as well as our soldiers and officers who showed heroism in the Patriotic War. Their heroism and self-sacrifice will never be forgotten. We have shown the whole world that the Azerbaijani people are a great nation, the Azerbaijani people never intended to come to terms with this injustice”, said President.

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency