Azerbaijan’s Economically Active Population Reaches 5.3 Million

BAKU: Azerbaijan’s economically active population has reached 5.3 million people as of October 1, 2024, with the majority being employed across various sectors of the economy.

According to Trend News Agency, preliminary data from the country’s State Statistics Committee shows that out of the economically active population, 5 million are employed. The data further reveals a detailed distribution across different employment sectors. As of February 1, the total number of hired workers stood at over 1.75 million, with nearly equal numbers in the public (878,300) and private sectors (876,600).

The oil and gas sector employs 31,700 people, whereas the larger non-oil and gas sectors provide jobs to 1.72 million individuals. Within hired workers in enterprises and organizations, 23 percent are in the production sector. This includes 7.4 percent in manufacturing, 6.9 percent in construction, and smaller percentages in agriculture, water supply, mining, and energy production.

Significant portions of the employed pop
ulation are also found in the service sectors. Specifically, 18.9 percent work in trade and motor vehicle repair, 18.2 percent in education, and 8.3 percent in healthcare and social services. Other notable sectors include public administration, administrative support, transportation, and professional activities.

Furthermore, the report provides insight into the working hours and unemployment status. From January to August, the average monthly hours worked per employee was 145.8 hours. Moreover, there were 216,400 registered unemployed individuals as of October 1, with women making up 46.9 percent of this group. The average monthly unemployment insurance payment noted was 407.9 manat ($239.8).

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