Azerbaijan`s Mammadyarov to face Polish Jan-Krzysztof Duda at Oslo Esports Cup Round 4

Azerbaijani grandmaster Shahriyar Mammadyarov will today lock horns with Polish star Jan-Krzysztof Duda in Round 4 of the Oslo Esports Cup.

The $210,000 all-play-all event is being played over seven days at’s esports arena in Oslo and is the first online chess tournament of its kind.

The Oslo Esports Cup is an 8-player tournament where the players face off against each of their rivals over seven rounds. Each match features four rapid games at a 15 minute + 10-second increment per move time control. If tied 2:2, the players play two 5+3 blitz games. If still tied they play a single Armageddon game, where White has 5 minutes to Black’s 4, but Black only needs a draw to clinch the match.

Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency