BHOS hosts ‘Addim At’ forum

The ‘Addim At’ forum was held at the Baku Higher Oil School of SOCAR (BHOS). The forum was organized under the general sponsorship of the company ‘Aloha World/Xaricd? T?hsil’ and with the organizational support of the platform ‘Addim At’.

Speaking at the opening of the event, BHOS Rector Elmar Gasimov expressed his pleasure that the forum was being held at Baku Higher Oil School. In his speech, Elmar Gasimov called on the youth to participate more actively and responsibly in environmental protection activities held within the framework of the ‘Green World Solidarity Year’.

Then, Elmira Aslanova, the first Azerbaijani woman to climb Mount Everest and director of the ‘Biziml? g?l’ travel agency, spoke on the topic ‘What is your Everest?’. KFC Azerbaijan Operations Manager Shaig Zamanov spoke on the topic ‘It’s in your hands to become a (U)KFC champion!’. Togrul Alakbar, head of “Addim At”, “Xaricd? çör?k”, and “Aloha World” projects, spoke on the topic “Aliabbas of our century”. Huseyn Hasanov, head of the t
raining center ‘Edulance’ and director of the natural tourism company ‘Outside’, spoke on the topic ‘What kind of person are you?’. Araz Ahmadov, founder and head of the Public Union ‘Social Integration of Boarding School Graduates’, spoke on the topic ‘How old are you?’. They talked about their careers, personal development, and educational experiences.

The event continued with panel discussions featuring bp Vice President Bakhtiyar Aslanbeyli, head of the International Training Center ‘PRO LOG’ Sahila Hamidova, and the head of the company ‘’, co-founder of the projects ‘’ and ‘’ Jafar Najafov.

The forum was met with great interest.

Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency