British minister: Having so complicated neighbors, Azerbaijan acts on resresponsibly

Relations between Azerbaijan and United Kingdom is so great, on a high level. We hav elong-term relations with Azerbaijan. Especially, I would like to note our relations in the gas and oil field,” the British Minister of State for Europe and North America, Leo Docherty who is on a visit to Azerbaijan, told journalists, APA reports.


“BP is the biggest foreign investor in Azerbaijan. We have had the most succesful partnership in this field for long years. However, certainly, our relations do not only cover this field, I can stress other fields such as education, renewable energy, other bussiness fields, construction and etc. I was visited British company that operates in this field in Azerbaijan. Our relations are so significant and succesful. We admit as a Britain that Azerbaijan has an important role from a geostrategic point of view. Azerbaijan provides Europe with energy. Azerbaijan is located between Russia and Iran, it has so complicated neighbors, however Azerbaiajn acts on so responsibly. We highly value our current relations with Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan is our valuable and reliable partner,” said the minister.


Source: Azeri-Press News Agency

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