Category: Industry

Zangezur corridor to increase region’s transit, logistics potential – Azerbaijani minister

In accordance with the new reality that has emerged after the liberation of Azerbaijani territories from Armenian occupation, the Zangezur corridor, which connects the main part of Azerbaijan with the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, will increase the region’s transit and logistics potential, Minister of Economy of Azerbaijan Mikayil Jabbarov wrote on Twitter, Trend reports. According to […]

Trade turnover between Russia’s Ulyanovsk region, Turkmenistan increases

The trade turnover between Russia’s Ulyanovsk region and Turkmenistan amounted to $3.3 million in 2020, the press service of the governor and the government of the Ulyanovsk region told Trend. The import of cotton amounted to $1.2 million, the report said. “In 2019, the trade turnover amounted to $403,700, including exports – $60,100, imports – $343,600,” […]

Zangazur corridor will increase region’s transit and logistics potential, Economy Minister

“As a result of the liberation of the occupied territories and in line with new realities Zangazur corridor between mainland of Azerbaijan and Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic will increase region’s transit and logistics potential,” said Azerbaijan’s Minister of Economy Mikayil Jabbarov on Twitter. “The realization of this potential will lead to the creation of new transport […]

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