Chair of Azerbaijani Parliament meets with Members of Italy-Azerbaijan Inter-Parliamentary Friendship Group

Chair of the Azerbaijani Parliament (Milli Majlis) Sahiba Gafarova said, whilst meeting Senator Marco Scurria, the head of the Italy-Azerbaijan inter-parliamentary friendship group and Secretary of the Political Commission on the EU in the Italian Senate, and his delegation, that she was glad to welcome them to the Parliament of Azerbaijan, APA reports citing the Press and Public Relations Department of the Milli Majlis.

Besides, Mrs Gafarova thanked the Italian lawmakers for having joined the special National Leader Heydar Aliyev Centenary sitting of the Milli Majlis.

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The relations between the friends and partners Azerbaijan and Italy whose diplomatic relations had turned thirty last year marked have attained the level of strategic partnership, it was said. Mutual visits of the Heads of State, meanwhile, had have played a significant role in deepening the relationship.

Italy is one of its main trading partners of Azerbaijan; the bilateral co-operation is of great importance, which is especially true of the interaction in the energy sector. The other significant areas of joint efforts are culture, education, cultural exchange and people-to-people contacts.

Our inter-parliamentary co-operation is also advancing as well, according to Mrs Gafarova who was glad to mention her official visit to Italy in 2021, the meetings held on it and its productivity. Friendship groups are active in both parliaments. The legislative assemblies dialogue sincerely within inter-parliamentary organisations such as the PACE, the NATO and the OSCE.

Mrs Gafarova then told the Italian guests about the current situation in our region, Azerbaijan’s extensive rehabilitation of her liberated territories and Italian companies’ active participation in the process.

Concerning the lies spread by Armenia in an attempt to deceive the international public and bar it from truthful information about regional processes, Speaker Gafarova stressed it was important that Italian parliamentarians too should strive to expose the Armenian disinformation via in inter-parliamentary entities.

The visit of a member of the Italian parliamentary delegation Ettore Rosato to Azerbaijan immediately after the Patriotic War, his traveling over to Aghdam and having been horrified by what he had seen in that town were all brought up as well in the course of the meeting.

Macro Scurria said he was satisfied with the visit to Azerbaijan and the generous hospitality he had been met with. Then, he congratulated the Azerbaijani side on the fine organisation and conduct of the special sitting of the Milli Majlis in honour of the centenary of the great statesman and politician Heydar Aliyev.

Italy is keen on broadening cooperation with Azerbaijan, according to Mr Scurria who lauded the current interaction ebb as well. Our fruitful inter-legislature links constitute a weighty component of the interaction in general, in the Italian Senator’s opinion.

Other subjects attracting both sides’ attention were raised too as the conversation went on its course.

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency