Chronicle of the Patriotic War: November 3

In response to the large-scale provocations committed by Armenian armed forces along entire length of the front, the Azerbaijani Army on September 27, 2020, launched a counter-offensive which then dubbed as “Iron Fist”. The 44-day war has put an end to the almost thirty years of occupation and ensured the restoration of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. The bright victory achieved under leadership of the Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev has been written in the history of Azerbaijan in golden letters.

AZERTAC presents the Chronicle of the Patriotic War.

38th day of the War

According to the Ministry of Defense, the combat operations continued mainly in the direction of Aghdara, Khojavand, Zangilan and Gubadli. The enemy was forced to retreat with casualties in personnel and military vehicles in some areas of the front. During the day and nighttime, a large number of enemy troops, 4 BM-21 “Grad” MLRS, 1 KUB air defense missile system, 9 different types of howitzers and 2 trucks loaded with ammunition were destroyed and wrecked.

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev had a phone conversation with President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

On November 3 at 09:50, Azerbaijan Air Defense Units destroyed an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) of the Armenian armed forces attempted to carry out a flight over the front.

Another provocation of the enemy was suppressed at the state border with Armenia in the direction of Azerbaijan’s Zangilan district.

As a result of actions taken by the Azerbaijan Army units two more ammunition depots of the Armenian armed forces located near Khankandi were destroyed.

A large number of personnel was killed and military vehicles were destroyed by the fire strike at the 2nd motorized rifle regiment of the Armenian armed forces involved in the combat operations conducted in the Khojavand direction of the front.

The Armenian armed forces attempted to attack the Aghdara, Aghdam, and Khojavand directions. As a result of firm measures taken by the Azerbaijan Army units, the enemy’s attack was prevented and it was forced to retreat, suffering heavy losses.

As a result of fire strikes by the Azerbaijan Army units, a sniper group of the Armenian armed forces preparing to operate in the Gubadli direction was destroyed. The commander of the 77th independent armored tank battalion, lieutenant colonel Nelson Akopjanyan was killed in the Aghdara direction of the front.

Armenian armed forces used white phosphorous shells prohibited by international conventions against civilians in Tartar district of Azerbaijan. AZERTAC‘s correspondent, dispatched to the frontline, reports that phosphorous artillery shells fired at Sahlabad village of Tartar district did not explode. Madat Mammadov, the employee of the National Agency for Mine Action (ANAMA) told reporters that the 122-millimeter shells contained 3 kilograms 800 grams of white phosphorus. The unexploded ordnance was neutralized on the scene.


Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency

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