Delivery of goods from Iran to Karabakh serves interests of Armenia – Azerbaijani political expert

BAKU, Despite the note that the Azerbaijani side handed to the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Baku in connection with the illegal entry of Iranian trucks into Karabakh from July 11 to August 8, the provocations did not stop. In the period from August 11 to September 10, 58 trucks, for various purposes, entered Khankendi, in particular, carrying fuels and lubricants. Fifty five trucks later left. Iranians and Armenians resort to various tricks. For example, when approaching the zone where the Russian peacekeepers are temporarily stationed, they put Armenian plates on Iranian trucks in order to hide the exact number of Iranian trucks heading to Khankendi. In this case, these plates are repeated, since they are rearranged from truck to truck.

Commenting on this issue, Azerbaijani political expert Elkhan Shahinoglu told Trend that these illegal entrances are in the interests of Armenia, which wants to aggravate Azerbaijani-Iranian relations.

According to him, Iran should understand that such provocations should not be allowed on Azerbaijani territory.

“What are these companies that commit such violations without the knowledge of the Iranian government? It’s impossible. This means that there are no indications, and this cargo transportation continues for the sake of trade. If Iran does not reckon with Azerbaijan’s calls and does not recognize the notes, then Azerbaijan will also be forced to change its policy towards Iran,” he said.

Political expert noted that Azerbaijan is a supporter of friendly, good-neighborly relations, which has been repeatedly stated.

“The Iranian side will not be able to cite a single fact of Azerbaijan’s disrespect for territorial integrity or any provocation against this country,” he added.

Source: Antara News