During 10 months of this year, container cargo transportation through Middle Corridor increased by 45 percent

A panel session on “Middle Corridor Development: Transit and Transport Cooperate on the Horizon of New Opportunities” was organized as part of the 17th “Logitrans-2022” International Transport and Logistics exhibition held in Istanbul, Turkiye.


Representatives of the railway administrations of the countries through which the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route passes took part in the meeting organized under the theme “New opportunities on the horizon”.


Director of “ADY Container” LLC, one of the members of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Consortium, Natig Jafarov made a presentation reflecting the dynamics of transportation through the Middle Corridor. It was reported that during the 10 months of this year, cargo transportation with containers on the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route increased by 45 percent compared to the corresponding period of the previous year. In the new geopolitical situation, it was pointed out that Azerbaijan has become one of the main participants in ensuring sustainability in the process of transporting goods along this route, increasing its role in strengthening the transport connection between China and Europe and vice versa.


Expanding the possibilities of the route was discussed. The importance of the feeder services organized in order to strengthen the transport connection in the part of the China-Europe-China route passing through the Caspian Sea was emphasized.


Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency