Five-year-old British girl becomes world’s youngest author after having her first book published

A five-year-old British girl has become the world’s youngest author after having her first book published, according to the Daily Mail.

Bella-Jay Dark, from Weymouth, Dorset, stunned her family last year when she told them she was going to write a book.

Parents chef Chelsie Syme, 27, and plasterer Myles Dark, 30, thought it was ‘one of those things’ children say.

But it has become a real title that has been officially published.

Ginger Fyre Press have produced the book, which is now available to purchase on Amazon and Waterstones for £4.

Bella-Jay’s story, titled The Lost Cat, features a feline who goes on adventures and soon learns an important lesson.

Last year Abhijita Gupta was hailed as the world’s youngest published author – aged seven.

Bella-Jay’s story, titled The Lost Cat, features a feline who goes on an adventure and soon learns an important lesson.

Last year Abhijita Gupta was hailed as the world’s youngest published author – aged seven.

Chelsie admitted she did not have high expectations when Bella first told her she planned to pen a book.

The book promises to deliver a ‘powerful and positive safety message to children’ through the allegory of a kitten that finds itself astray and regretful after venturing out of the house without its mother.

To claim the official Guinness World Record accolade of youngest author, Bella needs to sell 1,000 copies of the book.

She has met the other two criteria – namely, that the book be published by an official company and that she be younger than seven.

Bella-Jay already has her eye on further books with planning underway for future titles.

Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency