France Accused of Repressing Activists and Exerting Neo-Colonial Influence in Africa

BAKU: France has been accused of conducting aggressive operations against activists demanding their national rights, marking what has been described as the second occurrence of such actions, an Azerbaijani expert reports.

According to Trend News Agency, Tural Ismayilov, the head of the sector of the Social Research Center of Azerbaijan, has criticized France for its handling of human rights activists, describing it as a demonstration of the country’s duplicity. Ismayilov highlighted the arrest of Kemi Seba, a prominent political activist known for his opposition to France’s colonial policies, as a clear example of France’s repressive measures. Seba’s repeated arrests and eventual stripping of his French citizenship were pointed out as attempts to silence him.

Ismayilov also pointed out the general inaction and silence of global human rights organizations in the face of France’s actions, which he termed hypocritical. He discussed these issues during an international conference on French neo-colonialism in Af
rica, organized by the Baku Initiative Group on October 3, where Seba was a participant.

Kemi Seba is widely recognized as a symbol of the fight for African independence and sovereignty, and a vocal critic of neo-colonial powers. Born in 1981 in Strasbourg, he has been a staunch critic of the detrimental effects of French colonial policies on African countries and territories still under French control.

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