High Representative for United Nations Alliance of Civilizations witnesses Armenian atrocities in Fuzuli district

High Representative for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) Miguel Angel Moratinos has visited the liberated Fuzuli district. The visit aims to get acquainted with the vandalism committed by the Armenian armed forces, as well as with the consequences of the destruction of the historical, cultural and religious heritage of Azerbaijan during the occupation.

High Representative for the UNAOC was accompanied by Azerbaijani Minister of Culture Anar Karimov.

The visitors first familiarized themselves with the Armenian barbarism in Garakhanbayli and Merdinli villages. Armenian vandals have looted and wiped out villages for 27 years. All houses, social facilities and farms were destroyed. The enemy completely destroyed the mosque in Garakhanbayli village, and using the mosque in Merdinli village as a stable for cattle, they demonstrated their hatred against the Azerbaijanis.

The village cemetery was also subjected to Armenian vandalism – graves were destroyed, gravestones were removed.

UN High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations Miguel Angel Moratinos then visited the ruins of Fizuli.


Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency

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