India registers 8,488 new COVID-19 cases

India recorded 8,488 new coronavirus cases in the last 24 hours, the lowest count in 538 days, the Health Ministry said Monday, APA reports quoting Anadolu Agency.

“India’s active caseload stands at 118,443, the lowest in 534 days. Active cases account for less than 1% of total cases, currently at 0.34%, the lowest since March 2020,” the ministry said in a statement.

With Monday’s cases, the country’s total number of confirmed infections has reached 34.5 million, while the death toll stands at 465,911, including 249 new fatalities.

India is now seeing a decline in daily cases after an unprecedented rise earlier this year when daily cases even crossed 400,000 and daily fatalities reached 4,500.

The country’s ongoing vaccination drive had reached 1,165,055,210 doses as of Sunday evening, according to the ministry.

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency