Kamaladdin Heydarov: “Forest fires in the fraternal Turkey are at the center of attention of Mr. President Ilham Aliyev every day”

Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan Kamaladdin Heydarov interviewed by APA News Agency.


– Increase in natural disasters and fires in the globe and in the region makes the activities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations relevant for the society. How the Ministry of Emergency Situations currently sets up its work?


– Firstly, I would like to note that the purpose of establishing the Ministry of Emergency Situations by the order of President Ilham Aliyev on December 16, 2005 was to prevent natural disasters, man-made accidents and fires, eliminate their consequences, and in such cases, the management of rescue and recovery activities from a single center, as well as the organization and implementation of civil defense in the country. The large number of natural disasters, man-made disasters and pandemics in the world today show that single management is very important in the effective fight against such processes. This proves once again how wise the Mr. President has made.


Most of the equipment on the balance of the subordinated institutions was obsolete, both morally and physically, when the ministry was established. In accordance with the instructions of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, the agencies subordinated to the ministry were equipped with the most modern and various equipment. Now the ministry has modern firefighting, rescue vehicles, mobile headquarters equipped with crisis management systems at the scene during emergencies – bus, “Hammer” brand special purpose vehicles with radio system, high-rise stairs, special equipment used in rescue operations, BMW motorcycles, bomb neutralization systems, multifunctional boats for offshore rescue operations, rescue boats, search boats, Be-200 CS amphibious aircraft carrying out firefighting and other rescue functions, helicopters, mobile laboratories to monitor the construction in accordance with existing technical safety norms and regulations, mobile hospitals in the area of ​​the emergency, in areas with difficult road conditions, to provide full-scale medical care to victims and patients in a short time.


During the pandemic, on the instructions of Mr. President Ilham Aliyev, another modular hospital of the Medical Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the treatment of coronavirus patients was built in a short time and continues to operate today.


During the Victory in the Patriotic War under the leadership of the Victorious Commander-in-Chief, the forces of the Ministry of Emergency Situations performed their duties in the most extreme situations. Employees of the ministry honorably performed the tasks of organizing civil defense systems and shelters, organizing regular work with the civilian population, resettlement of civilians affected by the war, search and rescue operations. The civilian population was rescued and resettled on the eve of destructions committed by Armenia in gross violation of the requirements of international law, in Ganja, Barda, Agjabadi regions, where the civilian population of Azerbaijan lives and far away from the war zone. The Medical Center of the Ministry, together with psychologists invited from fraternal Turkey, provided psychological support to the participants of the Patriotic War and their families, and participated in the rehabilitation process.


At present, 9 regional centers are operating in the regions. In accordance with the instructions of President, units of the Ministry’s State Fire Protection Service operate in the territories liberated from occupation. The Ministry of Emergency Situations also took responsibility tom protect the liberated from occupation “Sugovushan” reservoir in the Tartar region. The ministry’s forces are currently involved in the demining process in the territories liberated from occupation.


The Ministry has extensive experience in providing assistance to countries affected by disasters. An International Search and Rescue Team has been set up for this purpose. Equipped with all kinds of rescue equipment, including aircraft and helicopters, the International Search and Rescue Team is successfully carrying out disaster relief operations in various countries, as well as delivering humanitarian aid.


On the instruction of the President Ilham Aliyev the Ministry of Emergency Situations has provided assistance to eliminate the consequences of forest fires in the Russian Federation, Israel, Georgia, floods in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Russian Federation, the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, the Republic of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, earthquakes in the Van province of the Republic of Turkey, in the Islamic Republic of Iran, as well as elimination of the consequences of the earthquakes in Osh oblast of the Kyrgyz Republic, Haiti and the hurricane in the Philippines and provided delivery of government aid to people suffering from hunger in Somalia.


– The forces of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Azerbaijan involved in extinguishing the fire in the Republic of Turkey. Is it considered to send additional forces?


–Yes. In accordance with the relevant instruction of Mr. President, Azerbaijan shows the brotherly support to Turkey today in extinguishing wildfires. In accordance with the construction of President Ilham Aliyev, in order to extinguish forest fires and prevent them from spread, the personal staff of the Ministry of Emergency situations of Azerbaijan who are in the Republic of Turkey successfully continue the extinguishing operations.


Let me note that, the forest fires that occurred in the fraternal Turkey are at the center of attention of Mr. President Ilham Aliyev every day. The situation about the process of extinguishing the wildfires in Turkey is daily and regularly reported to the Mr. President. New instructions and tasks are regularly given by the Supreme Commander-in-chief in order to support the fraternal country. Mr. President highly appricated the professionalism and selflessness of the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the raternal country, and personally thanked the personal staff. At the same time, he gave the task to deliver the gratitude of the President of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan to the personal staff of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.


We are in contact with members of the Turkish government several times a day to discuss the situation and take appropriate action. All processes are regularly reported to Mr. President.


Let me note that our specialists operate with our Turkish brothers in the coordination of the process of preventing fires under the leadership of deputy minister of emergency situations Etibar Mirzayev who is in the Republic of Turkey currently.


In order to prevent the spread of fire in Turkey, 510 personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Azerbaijan, 1 Be-200 CS amphibious aircraft, 1 helicopter, 93 firefighting equipment have been involved. The employees of the Ministry engaged in the protection of Kamarkoy and Yenikoy thermal power plants of Turkey.


In accordance with the instruction of the head of state, another 200 employees of the Special Risky Rescue Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations will be sent to Turkey today.


As National Leader Heydar Aliyev noted, Azerbaijan and Turkey are one nation and two states. Both our peoples and our heads of state have always demonstrated their commitment to this idea. Today, we observe another sample of this friendship and brotherhood at the highest level.


We believe that the wildfires will be extinguished soon in the brother Turkey. Our brothers will overcome these trials with perseverance and ably, as they have overcome all the difficulties they have faced until today. Azerbaijani firefighters and rescuers will stand by our Turkish brothers until complete prevention of the wildfires.


–In recent days, fires have occurred in several forest massif and wooded areas in Azerbaijan. How is the current situation in our country?


–In recent days, fires occurred in the Hirkan reserve and forest massif in the Yardimli region. Fire also occurred in the wooded area in Aghsu pass. The fires have already been extinguished by the ministry’s fire brigade. But taken the opportunity, I would like to appeal to those who travel to the forest areas and rest here. They should avoid lighting a bonfire, using fire. You need to make sure that the cigarette quitted. Otherwise, any simple carelessness may lead to a big disaster. The Flora and fauna of our country are invaluable fortunes for all of us. Restoration of those forest massifs requires years. In addition, fires increase air pollution. That is why I ask each of our citizens to show sensitivity.


Source: Azeri-Press News Agency


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