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Kazakh gymnasts win gold in men’s synchronized jumping at Trampoline World Cup in Baku

BAKU, Azerbaijan, Gymnasts Danil Mussabayev and Pirmammad Aliyev, representing Kazakhstan, won the gold in the men’s synchronized jumping program with a score of 51.940 points at the Trampoline World Cup in Baku, Trend reports.


Representatives of Germany, Kayo Laukstermann and Fabian Vogel, took the silver (51.080 points), and the bronze was taken by athletes from Portugal, Diogo Abreu and Pedro Ferreira (50.730 points).


On February 18-19, the National Gymnastics Arena in Baku hosts the Trampoline World Cup. More than 60 gymnasts from 16 countries of the world participate in the competition. Gymnasts present individual and synchronous programs.


According to the results of the competition, winners and prize-winners in the individual program and synchronized jumps for men and women will be determined. In addition, the highest scoring participants will be awarded the AGF Trophy.


Source: TREND News Agency