Kyrgyzstan’s Karakol to become CIS cultural capital

Karakol town in Kyrgyzstan’s Issyk-Kul Oblast officially took the baton from the city of Dushanbe (Tajikistan) and will become the cultural capital of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) in 2022, according to Kabar News Agency.

The press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyzstan reported that the Tajik Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet in the name of Sadriddin Ayni hosted on Saturday a closing ceremony of the year “Dushanbe – the cultural capital of the CIS – 2021” and passing the baton to Karakol city in 2022.

Deputy Chairman of the CIS Executive Committee – Executive Secretary Beketzhan Zhumakhanov and Deputy Chairman of Dushanbe Amirkhon Kurbonzoda spoke during the event and solemnly passed the baton to the city of Karakol.

The Kyrgyz side was presented by Advisor of the Kyrgyz Embassy in Tajikistan Meder Soorbekov, who noted that for Karakol the year 2022 will be significant in all social and cultural aspects.

According to the decision of CIS heads of states dated Dec. 18, 2020, Karakol city of Kyrgyzstan’s Issyk-Kul Oblast will be the cultural capital of the CIS in 2022. The purpose of cultural capitals is to develop dialogue and unite the cultural potentials of the Commonwealth.


Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency

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