Lavrov: Azerbaijan is ready for trilateral meeting, while Armenia has not given final consent

Azerbaijani side is ready for trilateral meeting, while Armenia has not given final consent, said Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at the joint press conference with his Azerbaijani counterpart Jeyhun Bayramov, APA’s Moscow correspondent reports.


“We repeatedly offered a field for Azerbaijani and Armenian Foreign Ministers for meeting. As well as there was an agreement in December last year about holding the next meeting of our counterparts in Russia. Jeyhun Bayramov reminded the next progress of the events. Our Armenian counterparts stated that they could not attend this event. We approved that we were ready to hold such a meeting. Azerbaijani side has also noted that it is ready for this. Armenian side also said they do not object to this. However, final consent has not been given yet. I don’t think we will not insist on offering our services. However, these proposals are known very well to both sides,” noted Russian FM.


Source: Azeri-Press News Agency