Mass grave discovered in Shusha

A mass grave was found during excavations near Shusha prison, deputy head of the working group of the State Commission for Prisoners of War and Missing Persons and Hostages Eldar Samedov told journalists today. In particular, fragments of 3-4 human skeletons were found and the excavations will be continued. The State Commission has several graves of Azerbaijani citizens captured by Armenians during the first Karabakh war in Shusha. “The citizens of Azerbaijan, who were captured and taken hostage during the occupation of the city (May 1992), were kept here in inhuman conditions. Numerous crimes were committed against them, international humanitarian law was violated. According to our data, 360 Azerbaijani captives and hostages were kept here (in Shusha prison) during the occupation. As a result of negotiations conducted by the State Commission, 216 of them were released. But the fate of the rest is still unknown. We believe that the remains found belong to the people we are searching for,” Samedov said. After the second Karabakh war mass graves of Azerbaijanis were found near Dashalty village of Shusha region, Kelbajar, on Mount Farrukh in Khojaly region, Edilli village of Khojavand region.

Source: Turan News Agency

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