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MES disseminated information on fire occurred in border line in Gazakh

Ministry of Emergency Situations received information about a fire that occurred on the border of Azerbaijan with Armenia in the territory of the Gazakh region on July 6 in the evening, MES told APA.

Relevant fire protection units of the State Fire Protection Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations were involved in the firefighting. While evaluating operation conditions it was determined that the fire occurred in the territory of the Republic of Armenia and crossed the territory of Azerbaijan. As a result of the agile intervention of fire protection units, the fires spread to Aslanbeyli and Kaymagli villages of the Gazakh region (open areas with dry grass and bushes) were prevented from spreading to a large area, and the fire was extinguished in the morning.

Approximately 180 hectares of dry grass and bushes burned.

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency