More than 1,300 properties are on balance sheet of State Reserve Department of Shusha city

The Shusha City State Reserve Department (SCSRD), a legal entity of public law, posted information on 9 February on the portal of public e-procurements about signing of a contract for assessment of real estate, as well as transport infrastructure structures and facilities (along with land plots) transferred to its balance sheet by the government. The information about the conclusion of the contract appeared much later than the deadline for its performance – not more than 3 months.

Note that “Real Prays” Ltd. (INN: 2000069891) was declared the winner of the tender for valuation activities on 21 September last year. The contract between the parties was signed on 10 October. Worthy of notice is that the unified portal of public procurement said that the term of the contract will last till December 31 of this year. The cost of services is estimated at 410,000 manats ($241,100).

According to the “Law on Public Procurement”, information on the conclusion of a procurement contract is subject to publication through a special section of the public procurement portal no later than 5 days.

In response to a question about the reason for such a long absence of information about the concluded contract for property evaluation, the SCSRD Tender Commission said that the agency did not violate the legislation requirement in any way.

It ought to be noted that in total more than 1 300 items of real estate and road infrastructure, as well as 44 different constructions were transferred to the balance sheet of SCSRD These include monuments and other historical buildings – 221, apartment buildings – 32, individual houses – 557, non-residential buildings – 291 and transport infrastructure objects – 201

Source: Turan News Agency

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