Result of the US president’s visit will be felt on the battlefield, Zelensky says

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, held talks with the President of the United States in Kyiv Joe Bidenm and said that the result of this visit of the American leader to Kyiv would be felt on the battlefield in the fight against the Russian aggressor, APA reports citing UNIAN.


“This week is already a year of our indomitability, our fight against Russian aggression. And it is very symbolic that we are strengthening our resilience with two meetings with Mr. President: my and our team’s visit to Washington in December, and the visit of the president and his team to Kyiv today, now. The results of these visits will certainly be felt on the battlefield, in the strengthening of our soldiers and in the liberation of our territories,” Zelensky emphasized.


Source: Azeri-Press News Agency