Russia ready to assist North Korea in anti-coronavirus fight if requested, says diplomat

Russia is ready to assist North Korea in the anti-coronavirus fight, including the deliveries of humanitarian aid, COVID-19 vaccines and medical equipment, if necessary, but this rests on solving logistics issues, said Director of the Russian Foreign Ministry’s First Asian Department Georgy Zinovyev on Friday, APA reports citing TASS.

“We are not holding specific talks on this with our Korean partners now. But, in principle, we would, of course, be ready for that. Russia is always attentive to our North Korean partners,” the diplomat said.

Moscow provides assistance to Pyongyang through the UN and its specialized agencies for aid provision, Zinovyev said. “We delivered humanitarian aid in the form of grain shipments last year. We also sent test-systems some time ago. We would be ready to do this again,” the Russian diplomat said.

North Korea is currently following a set of very strict sanitary and epidemiological measures to prevent the penetration of the novel coronavirus into the country, which is an obstacle for providing humanitarian aid to it, Zinovyev said.

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency