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Scientists have explained how the first galaxies formed in the universe

New descriptions of the smallest and darkest galaxies closest to us have allowed astronomers to reconstruct the scenario of the formation of the first stars and galaxies in the early structure of the universe. The study was published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. One of the most intriguing questions that astronomers have been trying to answer for decades is how and when the first galaxies formed.

AZERTAG RIA Novosti According to the website, according to speculation, the formation of the first galaxies and stars from sustainable pace, gradually larger and established a massive system. According to another hypothesis, this formation occurred in a more severe but intermittent manner with short-term star formation explosions caused by events such as fused and intensified gas accretion.

British and Spanish astronomers have used data from the Hubble and Big Canary telescopes to identify the smallest and weakest galaxies in the so-called border areas near the universe.

According to Pablo Perez-Gonzalez of the Spanish Center for Astrobiology, the formation of galaxies can be compared to a car. The first galaxies could have a “diesel” engine of the star formation process, which slowly but steadily placed new stars without special speed and converted the gas into relatively small stars over a long period of time. Or the process of formation could be abrupt; it could be accompanied by the formation of an unusually large giant star that destroyed the galaxy and stopped its activity for a while or forever. Each scenario is associated with different processes, including the fusion of galaxies or the effects of extremely massive black holes.

Researchers have combined the power of the Hubble and Big Canary telescopes to study small galaxies with “natural telescopes” – gravitational lenses.

According to Chris Concelis, a professor at the University of Manchester, some galaxies exist in large groups called balls. They consist of stars, gases and opaque matter and have a very large mass. The masses are so large that they bend in space and time, and they act like a natural telescope. They are called gravitational lenses and allow scientists to see distant and faint galaxies with increased brightness and higher spatial resolution.

Research has shown that the formation of galaxies is accompanied by a break in activity and an eruption, followed by calm, that is, the second hypothesis is most likely true.