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Technical coupons were presented to the users of small-sized vessels

Based on the request of a group of small-sized ship users operating in Balıgchilar settlement of Lankaran district, a technical inspection of the ships was conducted by the State Service for Control over Small-Sized Vessels and Water Rescue of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.


During the inspection, technical documents of the ships, technical requirements and norms of these vehicles for cargo and passenger carrying capacity, power and number of engines, sailing area, minimum height of the freeboard, as well as provision with the rescue and firefighting equipment, signal lights, navigation and other equipment were checked.


It should be noted that an application was received from the owners of 109 outboards motored boats in the area for technical inspection. As a result of the technical review, technical coupons were presented to the owners of 98 water vehicles (boats) that meet the norms and requirements.


Source: Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan