The EC proposed to introduce the Euro-7 environmental standard for cars in the European Union

The European Commission (EC) proposed introducing a new standard for “Euro-7” cars in the European Union, which should reduce harmful emissions. This measure will only slightly increase the cost of cars, the materials of the EC state.


The new rules will apply to both cars and vans, as well as heavier vehicles such as trucks and buses, the EC said. The European Union intends to bring to zero emissions from new cars and vans in 2035, that is, in fact, to remove cars with internal combustion engines from the market for new cars.


However, “Euro 7” will be relevant, with more than 20% of cars and vans and more than 50% of heavier vehicles in the EU emitting pollutants from the tailpipe by 2050, the EC noted. In addition, the new rules include requirements for emissions from brakes, tires and batteries, which will also apply to electric vehicles, the EC said.


“These emission reductions are expected to be achieved with existing technologies. A modest impact is expected on the cost of passenger cars, between 90 and 150 euros, and on the cost of buses and trucks, around 2,600 euros,” the European Commission said.


These proposals must now be considered and agreed upon by the EU Council and the European Parliament.


Source: Turan News Agency

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