Turkmenistan and South Korea Enhance Shipbuilding Industry Collaboration

Turkmenistan, South Korea – Turkmenistan and South Korea are set to expand their collaboration in the shipbuilding sector. The enhancement of this partnership was highlighted during the visit of South Korean Ambassador Ji Kyu Taek to the Balkan Shipbuilding and Repair Plant. This visit included a joint Turkmen-Korean seminar in the Awaza National Tourist Zone, which underscored the commitment of both nations to deepen their industrial ties.

According to Trend News Agency via official Turkmen media, the South Korean Ambassador appreciated the modern equipment at the Balkan Plant and expressed eagerness for advancing joint ventures. The event gathered notable attendees including representatives from Turkmenistan’s State Service of Maritime and River Transport (Turkmendenizderyayollary), embassy staff from Korea, leaders of the Korean Marine Equipment Association (KOMEA), and officials from Koryo Shipbuilding Industry Technology Co., Ltd (KSIT). Ambassador Ji Kyu Taek specifically mentioned the ongoing construction of two dry cargo ships, symbolizing a significant progression in the Turkmen-Korean relationship.

Both parties, following the seminar and discussions, affirmed their confidence in the potential of their continued cooperation to bring their bilateral relations to new heights and yield mutual benefits for both countries.

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