Ulviyya Zulfikar: Circulation of Western Azerbaijan Community’s appeal to international community as UN document helped to inform more than 190 countries about Western Azerbaijan

“The circulation of the Western Azerbaijan Community’s appeal to the international community as an official document of the United Nations (UN) helped to inform more than 190 countries about Western Azerbaijan, the fate of our compatriots who were expelled from this region, as well as their desire to return back to their native lands,” Spokesperson for the Western Azerbaijan Community Ulviyya Zulfikar told AZERTAC.


She noted that the efforts undertaken related to Western Azerbaijan at the international level have been further accelerated by the adoption of the Concept of Return.


“On January 31, the appeal issued by the Western Azerbaijan Community to international community was circulated as a document of the UN General Assembly, the Security Council, and the Economic and Social Council. This is our first most authoritative and wide-ranging document aimed at conveying the true voice of Western Azerbaijanis to the world. Moreover, the interest in the issue of Western Azerbaijan continues to grow at the international level,” the spokesperson said.


“Many articles have been published in the foreign media about the views expressed by journalists during President Ilham Aliyev’s meeting with a group of intellectuals in the administrative building of the Community on December 24, as well as Western Azerbaijanis and their desire to return back to their native lands,” she added.


Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency