WHO chief calls on states to take rational, proportional risk-reduction steps against omicron

The World Health Organization chief expressed concern Tuesday that several nations are introducing “blunt, blanket measures” not based on evidence, penalizing southern African countries after announcing the omicron variant of the coronavirus, APA reports citing Anadolu.

WHO Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus, at a briefing of the 194 member states in the organization, thanked Botswana and South Africa for detecting, sequencing, and reporting this variant so rapidly.

The World Health Organization chief expressed concern Tuesday that several nations are introducing “blunt, blanket measures” not based on evidence, penalizing southern African countries after announcing the omicron variant of the coronavirus, APA reports citing Anadolu.

WHO Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus, at a briefing of the 194 member states in the organization, thanked Botswana and South Africa for detecting, sequencing, and reporting this variant so rapidly.

Source: Azeri-Press News Agency