WHO warns of potential for new pandemic

BAKU: A new pandemic threat will emerge and there is no excuse not to be ready for it, Gordon Brown, World Health Organization (WHO) Ambassador for Sustainable Global Health Finance, UN Special Envoy for Global Education, and former Prime Minister of the UK, said regarding the open letter of more than 100 world leaders and experts on the pandemic agreement discussed by WHO member states, Trend reports.

It was noted that it is imperative to build an effective, multisectoral, and multilateral approach to pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response.

“Given the unpredictable nature of public health risks, a global strategy must embody a spirit of openness and inclusiveness. There is no time to waste, which is why we are calling on all national leaders to redouble their efforts to complete the accord by the May deadline. Beyond protecting countless lives and livelihoods, the timely delivery of a global pandemic accord would send a powerful message: even in our fractured and fragmented world, international co
operation can still deliver global solutions to global problems,” the statement reads.

Source: Trend News Agency